Thursday, July 12, 2007

“I know if He didn’t change my life I would be dead now!”

Camilla was only 10 years old when she was taken from a life of drugs, sexual exploitation, and violence. She now lives at Davis Lar, a Christian children’s home, and at age 11 has proven to be one of the most dynamic evangelists there. Someone who visited there filmed here singing a worship song (she has a beautiful voice), which we took to show her mother and family. Her older brother, Israel, reacted by throwing away his glue-bottle and starting to sing. Even from afar she is impacting her family!

On Friday we took Nadia, the mother of a boy who also lives at Davis Lar, to visit her son. They are also from Oitão Preto, and when Camilla saw her she came over. To those of us who have worked with Camilla over the years the transformation in her life is amazing. She’s gone from being a very violent and angry girl, to becoming a girl who loves Jesus and is passionate about Him. And so for Nadia, who remembers her as that violent and angry little girl, the change must seem almost unreal. It was with great authority that Camilla looked Nadia in the eyes and said: ”Woman, you need to get out of this life! This isn’t a life for you to be living and it will just lead you to death. Let Jesus free you like He did to me. I know if He didn’t change my life I would be dead now!” As Nadia’s eyes filled with tears she could see a miracle of God in Camilla, and also a glimmer of hope for her own life. Pray that this hope would grow in Nadia's life and that she would dare to believe that Jesus loves her and wants to forgive her

Be praying for Camilla and Nadia and their families.
Pray for the work in the community Oitão Preto.
Pray for Andrew and Claudia leading the work of  SHINE, and their faithful volunteers.
And pray for more and more of God's light to SHINE!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Off to camp again!

The excitement level was sky-high as we set off for camp. 15 of the boys we have in one of our discipleship groups from Oitão Preto packed their little rucksacks, and headed off with us to camp organised together with the orphanage Davis Lar. It was an exhausting, exciting, fun-filled, and God-filled time. A fantastic opportunity to spend quality time with the boys, and invest into their lives away from the harsh environment they live in.

The orphanage is home to a few children who come from Oitão Preto whose families aren’t able to take care of them. Camp is a really precious time for those children to catch up with their friends again. One girl we’ve worked a lot with, who is very very dear to our hearts, is Camilla. Camilla has been at the orphanage for a bit over a year now, and she is an incredibly passionate girl. It was such a blessing to see her during the worship times. She was always easy to spot being the one who would sing the loudest and dance the hardest.

After three action-packed days the camp was over for this time. I think everyone agreed it had been yet another great time, in spite of some of the children being ill with colds.

Please pray for a continual growth of these boys with God. That they might be strengthened to keep going, witnesses to their families, and bringers of hope to their community.

Getting stuck in with both hands.

As we took the team from Hawaii into the community of Oitão Preto for 4 days, many of them were really broken by the stories they heard, yet encouraged by what God is doing.

With an increased team this year we were able to not only do medical and dental clinics, but also bring the Truth of Jesus Christ to the people. It was an amazing time of really seeing God move! A time of truly getting stuck in with the two-handed gospel. Over 150 people were treated in the medical clinics offered, and around 30 people made a personal commitment to Christ. God is at work! It was great to have the team join with us in times of prayer and worship, bringing in the Kingdom of God where darkness has reigned for so long.

Tears were shed as the team left. The community felt so loved and blessed by them, and I think it is safe to say that the team felt an immense love back from the community. Four days may be a short amount of time, but the effects are lasting.

The team has left, but God hasn’t. This Sunday the Revival church held an open air meeting in the community where they baptised 80 people.

God’s light keeps on SHINING into Oitão Preto…