Monday, July 09, 2007

Getting stuck in with both hands.

As we took the team from Hawaii into the community of Oitão Preto for 4 days, many of them were really broken by the stories they heard, yet encouraged by what God is doing.

With an increased team this year we were able to not only do medical and dental clinics, but also bring the Truth of Jesus Christ to the people. It was an amazing time of really seeing God move! A time of truly getting stuck in with the two-handed gospel. Over 150 people were treated in the medical clinics offered, and around 30 people made a personal commitment to Christ. God is at work! It was great to have the team join with us in times of prayer and worship, bringing in the Kingdom of God where darkness has reigned for so long.

Tears were shed as the team left. The community felt so loved and blessed by them, and I think it is safe to say that the team felt an immense love back from the community. Four days may be a short amount of time, but the effects are lasting.

The team has left, but God hasn’t. This Sunday the Revival church held an open air meeting in the community where they baptised 80 people.

God’s light keeps on SHINING into Oitão Preto…


dennis said...

Thanks for putting up the photo. Seeing those kids and thinking about my time in Oitao Preto brings a smile to my face. I felt that our Lord was able to use the Hawaii team to show His light in the favellas, as He continues to use JOCUM and Casa de Meu Pai to also be the light in a dark and hurting community.

Thanks also for providing updates on what's happening there. Please also put up prayer requests so that we can specifically pray for your needs.


Anonymous said...

I want to also thank you for keeping us updated :) So happy to hear what God has been doing there! Blessings for all of you!
I also agree with Dennis that prayer requests would be a good thing :)