Friday, August 31, 2007

CHALLENGE for the future!!

Paulo (Timothy for those who have followed us for a while), one of the boys on the farm, has come so far from the life he used to lead on the streets. He can no longer be called a street boy, as the streets are no longer part of his life. It is truly amazing to see what God has done in his life, and how God keeps working and changing and moulding him. Paulo is a very dynamic boy and loves people and attention. He has a very transparent and sensitive heart, and he is very good at making contact with people. One of his greatest passions in life is to play football, which he is very good at!

At the moment Paulo is at a place where he is thinking ahead to his future. YWAM runs a training programme called DTS (Discipleship Training School), and Paulo is thinking and praying about doing a DTS to invest into himself (he realizes that he needs to know God more and allow God to continue to work on his character and in his life). His thoughts are that after concluding the DTS he could come back as a staff member in the future! It is so exciting to hear these thoughts and dreams coming from a boy who didn’t have any hope for the future a few years back.

HOWEVER, there is the challenge of finance. The DTS costs money, and so we hereby launch the challenge to you reading this. If you want to partner with Paulo as he walks into the future God has for him, please send an email to: , and we will get back to you with information of how to do so.

And PRAY for Paulo. For wisdom and direction as he seeks God, and God’s provision always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.. it makes me so happy to hear that Paulo is going forward with God and would like to do a dts :) I'll be praying for him!