Monday, September 03, 2007

Intense Warfare on the Streets.

As we were getting ready to leave the Terminal da Lagoa (a bus-station where we meet a lot of street children) Marcos decided to kick up a fuss, trying to steal, making unreasonable demands, and in short wanting to manipulate the situation. Although only 13, Marcos has the street experience of an adult, and even if he is a small and very skinny boy, he has a huge temper and is often very violent.

This Friday we had a small team of people, and so it wasn’t the best time to deal with a violent Marcos (although there is never a good time for these situations). The team left the square where they had visited the street children, and headed off towards the car. Marcos and another boy decided to follow the team and started threatening all kinds of violence. It was one of those situations where you don’t know what to do.

Somehow Marcos managed to sneak himself into the van and refused to get out. It looked impossible, and so one of our young volunteers did the only thing you can do when faced with a situation like this one; he started to pray! As he prayed for Marcos’ life and the situation, Marcos started crying and ended up getting out of the van. The team promptly set off back to the project.

Getting back it is needless to say that the team were pretty shaken up by it all, and had also become incredibly aware of the fact that the war that is being waged on the streets of Fortaleza isn’t a war against drug addicted and violent little boys like Marcos, but a spiritual war. And it is intense!

To make a difference in these kids’ lives we need to fight in the spiritual realm, and we need spiritual cover as we literally step out into the enemy’s territory.

YOU CAN BE A PART OF THE VICTORY! Stand with us in prayer every Friday as we head out to the streets. Pray for protection for the team and also for God to bring His power into the lives of the young and old like Marcos, who have made the streets their homes.

If you feel like you can commit to pray for us every Friday, let us know! It would encourage us greatly to know that you are praying. Either leave a comment in this blog or drop us an email at: to let us know.
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